i have adventures (sometimes)

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Monday, 21 January 2013


Hey, look where I am! OH HEY DORKYFACE. Yes, I'm back in the cold and the dark, having considered graduation a good excuse to come back to England and spend time with the people I like over here. England is, of course, in chaos over the three-odd inches of snow which have fallen over the last...

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Red Herring Ferret

TWIST! In a thrilling turn of events (only not really - I'm sorry, I'm really boring at the moment), it turns out Low Ferritin wasn't my nemesis after all.* The ferret was a herring. Awww. (Source) It may in fact be citalopram, which really is a shocking revelation, as I thought we were friends....

Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year, New Nemesis

Oh hello, the internet. Remember how in my last post, I said I hadn't accomplished much since getting home? That was a month ago, and it's still true. Or maybe even more so, given how much more time has passed and how little has been accomplished since then. The things I have not done (or stopped...