i have adventures (sometimes)

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

We COULD Go to Bristol. I Believe People Do...

If the title makes no sense to you, then you obviously haven't been heeding my frequent exhortations to listen to Cabin Pressure. LISTEN TO CABIN PRESSURE. LISTEN TO IT NOW. You'll like it. It's got a lovely suspension bridge. Wait, where was I? Oh right, Bristol. So, I went to Bristol! And despite...

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Terrorism and Sponge Cake (and a Puddle of Tiny Goslings)

Today I put on my grown up costume. Ta da! Bring it, workplace. (My grown up pose is exactly the same as my hero pose, because that's how accomplished ironing makes me feel. Even though I actually can't iron, and after half an hour of introducing new and artistic creases to my shirt just had to...

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Yet Another Library Self-Portrait

Surely it's not another blog post that starts with a library self-portrait? Yes. Yes it is. I don't even have my exam time excuse of working super hard. I've spent precisely a day and a half here since the deadlines passed, working either quite hard (last week) or not at all (this week), trying...

Sunday, 6 May 2012

It Must Be Art

Then suddenly, family! My family! You can tell where I get my rougish good looks from. (I blame Latin class for my frequent impulse to adapt "Suddenly, pipe players!" to every situation.*) My dad and my younger brother came to visit, and we spent a few days touristing in London, walking around,...

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

In Soviet Russia, Sights See You

And I'm back! With my assignments in and my exams done, I've finally left the library and crawled out from under my pile of flashcards, and I'm back in the blogosphere. I stopped reading ages ago. This is just a dead-eyed stare. Good old Gor...ge...chov? I'm pretty sure I failed this section...